Run with us!
Becoming a member is simple…
All you have to do is put on one of our Christian Runners shirts, then run!
We designed our shirts and vests to stand out so that people ask questions. We hope this helps you start conversations with fellow runners about life, faith and running!

Why do we run?
We use our passion for running to create opportunities locally and nationally to help Christians share what they believe.
We recognise the importance of physical health but we believe spiritual health is just as important!
We would love to encourage other Christians by clearly identifying ourselves and inspiring others to run for God.

Who are we?
Jason Westmoreland is the founder of Christian Runners, he has been a Christian (and a runner!) since the age of 16. He currently attends Cutsyke Christian Church in West Yorkshire where he’s usually either organising exciting kids events or trying to play the drums in the church band.
Jason loves every kind of running possible! He’s run marathons dressed as a clown, tackled dangerous frozen obstacle courses and just about everything else in between.
It is because of both these passions that Christian Runners was born. Jason came up with an idea to encourage people to share their faith simply by wearing a recognisable running shirt. The shirts are designed to invite questions and help us to share our faith with fellow runners.